I grew up in Golden Valley, Minnesota on Bassett Creek about 12-15 minutes away from Downtown Minneapolis. In my childhood I was mischievous, chaotic, and outgoing. As a kid I spent time exploring the creek, skiing, and socializing.
I attended Robbinsdale Cooper High School. There I discovered a love for good natured arguing. In 10th grade debates I enjoyed arguing both sides of a topic. Sometime late in high school a teacher offered the idea that instead of responding to an essay prompt, I could directly challenge the prompt. This became my favorite way of writing essays. I completed the international baccalaureate diploma and graduated in 2016.
I went to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Upon arriving, I signed up for a philosophy course and began taking nearly every class offered in the department thereafter. My years in college were punctuated by summers in Washington, DC. College was a time in which I was sorting out ideas and sorting out myself. At the end of college I had a degree in philosophy, a girlfriend I loved, and some really close friendships.
After college I moved in with my girlfriend and began working on starting a business with my friend.